
Admixture in concrete

Admixtures are essentially chemicals that are added to a batch of concrete either right before or during the mixing process. Concrete admixtures can vary a variety of attributes, such as concrete quality, manageability, and setting time, among others, to achieve particular goals.

We are best supplier for any admixture in concrete.

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It is with high water reduction and low slump loss performance, to ensure concrete excellent work ability, high strength and excellent durability, it has
been widely used in industrial or civil construction, municipal engineering, water conservancy, electric power engineering, road and bridge, metro and all kind of construction


It is damp proof ,anti salaine and water proof ,super plasticizer

admixture chemical
admixture chemical


It is the best for stopping lickage.It has ingredient of  B-naphthalene sulfomate formaldehyde.It is high-purity product with stable physical and chemical properties.


It is super water proofing is a new generation environment friendly plasticizer.It is a concentrated chemical, best high water reduction ,high slump retention ability,low alkail content for the product and it having high strength and durability concrete

admixture chemical
admixture chemical


It help to stop permanently carbonations process in the clayer materials the perfect ani dote to salinity and its genuine sealant formation on ceramic brick and common  bricks 

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