Boulder Stone price in Bangladesh

stone sand supplier

Boulder Stone price in Bangladesh

Boulder Stone price in Bangldesh -Boulder stone is mainly used in building construction .Two types boulder stone is availbe in Bnagladesh .one is Local Boulder and another isĀ  imported boulder stone.Boulder stone price is depends on the size.The boulder concrete is also used for making Housing/industrial structures, roadways and other more .

Boulder Vanga Chips are available on customer demand. There are two types of Boulder Vanga.One is local and another is Imported Boudler.Boulder Vanga is crashed in various size.Boudler Vanga stone is widely used in Building construction. Local Boulder Vanga is mined from Panchagar and Sylhet. Boulder stone price is depends on the size. The boulder concrete is also used for making Housing/industrial structures, roadways and other more.

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